For Partners
Every student needs access to fair, informed and consistent support to progress and succeed.
Student Centred partner with universities and companies to improve their student experience and support better outcomes for all. We can work together to establish the ideal and most flexible partnership to deliver relevant and effective student support, rather than trying to apply a one-size-fits-all model that might not be right for your students or your organisation.
Together we can create student-focused ways of working to deliver student-centred models of support making sure that nothing gets in the way of learning and living.
We also provide a consultancy service and offer specialist supervision to complex student cases. We train teams and coach university staff at all levels to achieve and maintain a student centred approach.
Next steps, we explore your need and ways of working together – responding with a tailored proposal.
“Your training was one of the best I attended this year. Thank you!”
— University College London